Crete has a long and ancient tradition with grapes.
For a really good explanation about the history of grapes in Crete click on this.( Cretans successfully cultivated and traded olive oil, cereal and wine during Minoan times and Homer informs us that , at his time, Cretan wines were renowned throughout the known world.
Today, the kids were invited to take part in this ancient tradition. They helped harvest grapes. We'll bring the grapes to the village of Melissia to make moustalevria with Katina. ( Family- we are going to melissia this weekend to spend the night with Katina and we'll visit the girls in Kastelli also) Since Katina is old, she has such great knowledge of the ways things were done. This is the time of year people pick their grapes, press the grapes for wine and make moustalevria which you can see down below.
Crete has a long and ancient tradition with grapes.
For a really good explanation about the history of grapes in Crete click on this.( Cretans successfully cultivated and traded olive oil, cereal and wine during Minoan times and Homer informs us that , at his time, Cretan wines were renowned throughout the known world.
Today, the kids were invited to take part in this ancient tradition. They helped harvest grapes. We'll bring the grapes to the village of Melissia to make moustalevria with Katina. ( Family- we are going to melissia this weekend to spend the night with Katina and we'll visit the girls in Kastelli also) Since Katina is old, she has such great knowledge of the ways things were done. This is the time of year people pick their grapes, press the grapes for wine and make moustalevria which you can see down below.
Theo cutting grapes but not really liking it :) |
Gee, the mayor of Kolimbari (that is what Loretta and I call Paul. He has a smile on his face all the time as he shakes hands, visits relatives, knows a lot of people, etc.) while we in America are entertaining the Pope! So we both have our celebrities!! Your post was very interesting with the history of the food, dinner at Nectarios', the grape harvest. How long did the kids last at that? They looked so bored!